Welcome to Kanbanstorage.com
This is where you can buy kanban live storage flow racks for materials supply in production and assembly. Low price, quick delivery. Buy after a quick quote.
Enjoy fast delivery and low pricing. What is kanban?
Free assembly
Unique service. Your kanban live storage rack will be delivered fully assembled (ready-to-use). Information free assembly.
Try before you buy
Unique service. Buy without risk and first try out our kanban racks for free. Information try before you buy.
Stationary rack
Choose here your stationary kanban live storage flow rack. For use with cartons and bins.
Top quality directly from the manufacturer. Short kanban racks with a limited depth. For material supply towards the assembly line or in the production process. Mobile or stationary.
Original Flowrack
Flowrack produces clever flow racks using “Original Flowrack” as brand name. With the valued Flowrack quality: Reliable and trouble free. Kanbanstorage.com sells exclusively Original Flowrack racks.
Unique heavy-duty roller tracks
Standard roller tracks are suitable for boxes and bins up to 20 kg: Always with solid steel axles and applicable in most situations. Choose heavy-duty roller tracks for boxes and bins up to 30 kg. These reinforced roller tracks are better suited for rough handling.